Anorexia in dogs and its treatment

Dogs love to cuddle and love to eat what they get as treat. There are some occasions when they are not eating, it can be due to environmental reason or it can be anorexia. The treatment of anorexia is possible and has to be understood carefully for your furry baby. How do you treat AnorexiaContinue reading “Anorexia in dogs and its treatment”

Homeopathic Remedy Of Diarrhoea In Pets | Goelvet Pharma

Diarrhea is a relatively common ailment in dogs. It is usually self-limiting, but it can occasionally progress to a dangerous illness in which dogs become ill and require hospitalization to recuperate. Diarrhea symptoms in dogs include: ●  There is more water in the feces than usual (softer or lose unformed feces) ●  An increase inContinue reading “Homeopathic Remedy Of Diarrhoea In Pets | Goelvet Pharma”

A Battle Against Coughing Clouds – Homeopathy For Pets

Coughing and sneezing are both natural methods for removing irritants from our lungs. Our beloved pets, too, are plagued by coughing and sneezing! Cough in an otherwise healthy dog is usually nothing to worry about. Coughing in a dog, like in humans, can be a sign of serious sickness if it becomes a persistent orContinue reading “A Battle Against Coughing Clouds – Homeopathy For Pets”

The diarrhea has got a solution

Homeopathic remedies work on the principle of “similia similibus curanter” which means “like cures like” so is our DIAFINE DROPS for pets is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA, it is a unique Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine, proved to be effective in treating different types of diarrhea in dogs & cats. Diarrhea of any underlying cause like bacterial, viral,Continue reading “The diarrhea has got a solution”

The strong four legs kid

The pup and kitten are the most adorable living beings and are naughty and cute as well. The cuteness of them can be maintained with the immunity being strong. The Homeopathy medicine’s concept is “like cures like” or “similia similibus curanter” If immunity is lacking for them since their young days they will grow weakContinue reading “The strong four legs kid”

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